The question was: black people attacking whites is on the rise
there are 3 explanations:
- more black people robbing whites which would imply the reduced enforcement (because BLM protests) is increasing crime - but criminals don’t racially profile nor are the attacks about robbing people
- black people are increasingly racist (which is directly in line with BLM ideology)
- political groups are directly attacking those that do not agree with them (again, BLM is the only ideology that does encourage this)
Your statement that BLM is just white people is false, select protestor pictures are indeed mixed groups, the videos and pictures of the protests devolving into looting show large groups of black people doing the looting with few white snowflakes mixed in.
I agree with you that the majority of black people do NOT agree with BLM and it is sponsored by ActBlue and other Democrat groups with ties to Soros, but I did not tie ALL black people to BLM, the subgroups doing the increased attacks are sponsored and instigated by BLM, simplified BLM members are the ones doing the attacking, my contention is that black people are being used by BLM to do these acts of violence. There are also examples of white membered BLM groups attacking but that is less of an occurrence.
As to your other point, I agree, BLM does not just consist out of black people, AOC and Julian Castro are members too, you just tied solely black people to BLM by saying they are Hispanic thus cannot be part of BLM. BLM is a movement, it is consisting of the extreme-left wing of the Democratic Party (Biden, AOC, Castro, ...) promoting a specific left-wing ideology through violence.
It’s basically a parallel to the Hitlerjugend of the Nazi party, they were likewise not solely white Germans, they were likewise promoting an ideology and they were likewise not representative of ALL white Germans. However, we do still condemn ANY German, including Jews that went along with the ideology of the party back for other reasons than Jew-hatred then for their actions and inactions.